Preemie Bobblicious Cardigan

This cute chunky looking cardigan is made using a simple hdc (htc UK) stitch and bobble stitch for the body, it is quick and easy to work up.

The premium pattern that includes pictures with sizes preemie-10 years can be purchased here


Approx 200 meters of dk / weight 3 yarn

4 mm hook

3 x 15 mm buttons

Written in English US terms with abbreviations for UK terms

sc=single crochet (double crochet in UK)

dc=double crochet (treble crochet UK)

hdc=half double crochet (half treble crochet UK)

slst=slip stitch


bs= Bobble Stitch: Yarn over, insert hook into indicated stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, (yarn over, insert hook into the same stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop) x 3, yarn over, pull through all 9 loops on hook.

fpdc (front post double crochet) (front post treble crochet UK)= yo and insert hook into the front post of the stitch below and dc as usual.

bpdc=back post double crochet (back post treble UK)

Gauge Square

With 4mm hook

Row 1: Ch11, hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each chain across. (9) Turn

Row 2-5: ch1, hdc in base of ch1, hdc 8. (9) Turn

Square should measure 2 inches x 2 inches.

If you're out with a 4mm hook try a 4.5mm hook.

If you have problems hitting the length but the width is ok, try dc instead of hdc.

* Working in the first stitch the ch1 does not count as a stitch so always ch1 and sc / hdc in the first stitch.*

Preemie 4-6lb

Ch 27

Row 1: 3 hdc in the third chain from hook, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next. (33) Turn

Row 2: ch1, 2 hdc in the same, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, 2 hdc in the last. (43) Turn

Row 3: ch1, 2 hdc in the same, hdc 2, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 2, 2 hdc in the last. (53) Turn

Row 4: ch1, 2 hdc in the same, hdc 4, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 4, 2 hdc in the last. (63) Turn

Row 5: ch1, 2 hdc in the same, hdc 6, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 6, 2 hdc in the last. (73) Turn


Row 6: ch1, 1 hdc in the same, hdc 8, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9. (81) Turn


Row 7: ch1, 1 hdc in the same, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 10. (89) Turn 


Divide for armholes


Row 8: Ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 10, 2 hdc in the next, skip 21, 2 hdc in the next, hdc 21, 2 hdc in the next, skip 21, 2 hdc in the next, hdc 11. (51) Turn


Row 9: (wrong side) ch1, sc in the same, sc 2, *bs, sc 3* repeat to end. (51) Turn

Row 10: (right side) ch1, sc in the same, fpdc in the stitch two rows below, *sc 3, fpdc* repeat to last stitch and sc. (51) Turn


Repeat row 9 and 10 until work measures 6.5 inches from the shoulder, ending with a wrong side row.


Cardigan bottom edging


Row 1: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc in each stitch to end. Turn

Row 2: ch1, *fpdc, bpdc* repeat across. 

Row 3: ch1, *bpdc, fpdc* repeat across. 

Then continue to the button band.


Button/Buttonhole Band


Row 1: continuing from bottom edging, ch1, 1 hdc in base of ch1, work hdc evenly up to the top, around the neck and back down to the other side. Turn

For row 2, mark out where you want the button holes, ch2 where the markers are and continue with the fpdc, bpdc. (Not skipping any stitches)


Row 2: Buttonhole row, ch1, *fpdc, bpdc* repeat around and where the markers are ch2 to create the button holes. Turn


Row 3: ch1, *fpdc, bpdc* repeat around, doing 2 sc in the ch2 space for the buttonhole. 


Fasten off and sew your buttons on to match the button holes and weave in all ends.


Row 1: With the wrong side facing, join yarn to the first unworked stitch under the arm, ch1, 1 hdc in the same, hdc to the end, slst to first. (24) Turn

Row 2: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc all, slst to first. (24) Turn


Repeat row 2 until the sleeve measures 6 inches from the shoulder, then continue to the cuffs.




Row 1: ch1, hdc in the same, *hdc 3, dec* x 4, hdc 3, slst to first. (20) Turn

Row 2-3: ch1, *fpdc, bpdc* repeat across, slst to first. (20) Turn

I would love to see your makes feel free to share @babycrochetdesigns Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. 



*COPYRIGHT 2022 This pattern is made for personal use only. You may not copy, share or sell this pattern, you may make and sell items made from my patterns but please credit me @BabyCrochetDesigns as the designer many thanks*